On Purpose, Mission and Evolution
There was a point in my development as a man when I felt as if I walked through a threshold. I had recognized that I have made extraordinary transformations in body, mind and how I related to the world. I had recognized that these shifts were inspiring others. I could see the desire that others had to create these same changes.
Social life…Transformed
Anxiety driven…Transformed
Money “shit”… Transformed
Self worth…Transformed
The list goes on. By the way, “transformed” does not mean “finished product” or “super human” or “better than you” or “completed”. The work always continues.
I left a life of feeling powerless and less than, to feeling empowered and worthy of everything I had and desired for the world and myself.
I knew that I couldn’t walk this world without committing my life to helping others in the ways I’d been helped. It felt like there was no turning back.
Then I went on an experiential men’s training and learned about how to create a mission for my life. It became abundantly clear. I would train and coach people as a living…FUCK that…A CALLING!
Now 4 years later my life is transformed even more so than I ever could have anticipated. Men in my tribe have watched the transformation and honored me with a lot of trust. Now I’m in the position of spending a lot of time preparing to teach men this same process to build their life’s mission.
My attention is deeply on mission, purpose and evolution as of late.
Partly because I have been preparing for this process, but mostly because I’ve been stepping into a period of evolution this entire past year. I’ve been in a process myself of FINALLY speaking up about a bigger mission and a deeper purpose.
See, many of you reading this still see me as a “weight loss guy” or a “health coach” or an “eating psychology coach”. I’ve done a damn fine job of boxing myself into these roles in your perception.
All the while I’ve felt trapped, caged, inauthentic, playing small and grasping.
Because I was afraid that If I went for what I really wanted…that no one would give a fuck. I was afraid that if I spoke to my bigger dreams and deeper mission that I would have no credibility.
I leaned into my weight loss story. I focused on healing our deeper wounds and understanding how we engage with the world through our relationship with food, body and heath. THIS IS and always WILL BE a part of my Mission and Purpose.
It’s merely the tip of the iceberg of what I help my clients with. And it’s not even the full tip of the deeper desires I have for humans of this world to feel a sense of personal power in this short life.
In my own mind, even though I know that my body was just the cover story to my internal transformations, I believed this story…
“No one would ever listen to me or pay me to coach them without this weight loss. That is the only thing I have credibility within.”
I could have hid within this story for a long time. In fact I had figured out how to begin to fill my practice and generate my desired income through this story and support given. I loved helping my clients.
I felt the call to evolve. I felt the call to step into my bigger mission. I felt the call to have an even greater impact through being on purpose.
So I stopped accepting clients that only want my help in losing weight. I stopped creating content focused on food, weight or health. It’s been about 4 months since I’ve touched the subject. (Don’t worry, it will show up again)
How has it gone? Great question. So far so good. I’m more inspired, I feel liberated, I feel more effective with the clients I am helping with weight and body. And I have several clients that are straight up life coaching or business-coaching clients.
I’m exhilarated and excited every damn day. It feels like my world has opened up dramatically.
I’m really fucking scared. Will this work? Can I keep the ball rolling? Will people see me as an authority in relationship, business, mission, purpose, and career? Will I be in survival mode again 6 months from now? Am I throwing away almost two years of messaging and branding?
This is uncertainty screaming at the top of its lungs into my face! This is fear and scarcity playing the sweet trickster that they love to play.
I don’t know the answers, and I chose to evolve anyway. I decided that it was time walk my talk once again. I’ve helped my clients transform in health, wealth, and love life, so it’s time to stop pretending I haven’t.
So how do we evolve? Hold on…why the fuck are we talking about evolution anyway? No, I did not figure out a way to adapt the biology of our species in the 36 years I’ve been on this earth. But I believe that evolution happens daily to each of us.
We often think of evolution as the adaptations that are created over thousands of years or maybe several generations at the smallest increments.
I don’t!
In fact I think I know the meaning of life. (Gasp)
To me the meaning of life is for each of us to contribute to the long-term evolution of the species in a conscious and intentional manner. How we do that is to choose to take responsibility for our own personal growth.
From generation to generation, our adaptations are not biological; they are psychological, spiritual, emotional and social. They are shifts in consciousness and competence. We hand these shifts in mindset and skill set down to the next generation or to the people in our live now. And the species gets better.
This is why we get so bored so easily. This is why we thirst for knowledge. This is why we feel like total shit when we are feeling “stuck”. While the more primal parts of us craves comfort and safety, the conscious parts of our being crave growth, risk, excitement, mystery and challenge. They are often at odds with each other.
I believe that I am on this earth to help people like me evolve. I believe that when I do that, I co-create a safer, happier, more fulfilled, more loving, more powerful world where anything is possible.
For some evolution will mean finding sustainable and mindful ways to heal relationship with body and food.
For some evolution will be in cultivating the authentic confidence, boldness and communication skills to get what they want in career, business and money.
For some evolution will mean finding the sense of calm and confidence to create a fulfilling and connected social life.
For some evolution will mean building the mindset and skill set to connect more vulnerably, intimately and courageously in their love lives’.
For others evolution will include all of these juicy slices of life.
For me…It’s this post. It’s stepping away from what has felt comfortable in my practice and challenging myself to be more in alignment with my bigger mission and purpose.
I have yet to evolve into a man that is very succinct in communicating an important message. I still overcomplicate things at times in my own life, even though I’m always helping clients create simplicity.
So if you are still reading, thank you. These words are important to me and I’m glad you read them.
This is my way of sharing that I have a new website that is more aligned with my bigger mission and represents the full breadth of my practice as a coach. Even that, to me, is evolution.
The old site was originally about me. I shared my transformation and my story. This new site is about you and about my clients. I’m so proud of the amazing words they have delivered to share how I’ve helped them evolve and grow.
I’m grateful for all the support as I’ve created and delivered the message of Drop the Armor over the last few years. It will stick around and be a space for future evolution.
Is it time for you to evolve? Apply to work with me below.
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